A boy waits to receive local anaesthesia during Operation Circumcision, where police medical teams along with local doctors perform around 250 free circumcisions on children in Tondo, Metro Manila April 30, 2008.
A female doctor prepares a boy before he receives local anaesthesia during Operation Circumcision, where police medical teams along with local doctors perform around 250 free circumcisions on children in Tondo, Metro Manila April 30, 2008.
Boys wait for their turn to receive local anaesthesia during Operation Circumcision, where police medical teams along with local doctors perform around 250 free circumcisions on children in Tondo, Metro Manila April 30, 2008.
A boy cringes while receiving local anaesthesia during Operation Circumcision, where police medical teams along with local doctors perform around 250 free circumcisions on children in Tondo, Metro Manila April 30, 2008.
A boy covers his eyes during Operation Circumcision, where police medical teams along with local doctors perform around 250 free circumcisions on children in Tondo, Metro Manila April 30, 2008.
A group of boys walk home after Operation Circumcision, where police medical teams along with local doctors perform around 250 free circumcisions on children in Tondo, Metro Manila April 30, 2008.
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